
The Dover Bay Library Learning Commons Offers:

  • A wide range of fiction and non-fiction for leisure reading and research projects.
  • Space for full classes, small working groups, or independent research.
  • Access to help and support from Mrs. Lyons, Teacher-librarian.
  • 30 computers with access to a laser jet printer.
  • Laptop, screen and projector for presentations. Theatre style seating if required.
  • Access to on-line encyclopedias: World Book and Britannica.
  • Access to databases (Ebsco,  Jstor, GALE) for research.
  • Encyclopedias and database links for remote access.  Passwords available from the Library.
  • A variety of popular magazines.
  • A place for study or relaxation.
  • Chromebooks to borrow for one block at a time.
  • Board games, chess sets, and card games.

Mrs. Lyons Research Information

Search Tips: JSTOR Advanced Search Tips Google Advanced Search Tips   Not [...]

Library Resources

Catalogue Destiny Discover Student version of the library catalogue - use this to se [...]

How to Access Library Books

Regular library hours are: Monday 8:00 - 2:05 (Closed after school for PLC meeting) Tu [...]